Example of Verb Tenses

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1. He will write the mail after lunch.
      - Dia akan menulis surat setelah makan siang.
      - This sentence uses Present Future Tense "will write" because of the adverb of time is "after lunch".

2. She takes a bath twice a day.
     - Dia mandi dua kali sehari.
     - This sentence uses Present Tense "takes" because of bathing twice a day is her habit.

3. Ujang drove a car to Bandung yesterday.
     - Ujang mengendarai mobil ke Bandung kemarin.
      - This sentence uses Past Tense "drove" because of the adverb of time is "yesterday".

4. Budi is driving a car to Bogor now.
     - Budi seddang mengendarai mobil ke Bogor sekarang.
      - This sentence uses Present Continuous Tense "driving" because of the adverb of time is "now".

5. They have not lived here for years.
    - Mereka sudah bertahun-tahun tidak tinggal di sini.
    - This sentence uses Present Perfect Tense "have not lived" because of the action begins in the past and still continues up to now.

6. While my brother was working at the office, I was studying at school.
    - Sementara saudara saya bekerja di kantor, saya sedang belajar di rumah.
    - This sentence uses subjunction "while"(sementara) so the two tenses are used are in Past Continuous Tense "was working" and "was studying".

7. Ujang knocked on the door while she was taking a bath.
    - ujang mengetuk pintu ketika dia sedang mandi.
    - This sentence uses subjunction "while"(ketika) followed by "was taking", and the main clause use Simple Past Tense "knocked".

8. When my friend rang the bell, I opened the door.
    - Sementara teman saya memencet bel, saya membuka pintu.
    - This sentence uses subjunction "while"(sementara) so the two tenses are used are in Simple Past Tense "rang the bell" and "opened the door".

9. I will go to Pekalongan next week.
    - Saya akan pergi ke Pekalongan pekan depan.
    - This sentence uses Future Tense "will go" because of the adverb of time is "next week".

10. My Father came here yesterday.
   - Ayah saya datang kesini kemarin.
   - This sentence uses Past Tense "came" because of the adverb of time is "yesterday"